Server Information
Basic Information:
Server IP: play.supernaluna.com
Server Seed: 0
Server Version: 1.21.0 (Newer versions can join)
World Map: map.supernaluna.com
Main plugins: Grief Protection, Mcmmo, Chest shops, homes, warps, tpa, and RTP
Technical Information:
Server CPU: Intel i7 12700k Alder Lake
Dedicated hardware (we own the machine)
Gig speed connection (fiber)
UPS in case of power failure
Server run on Alpine Linux
Be respectful to everybody
No griefing, stealing, unwanted PVP etc.
Most client mods are fine, just no mods designed for cheating IE. x-ray
Questions? Join the Discord server!
Server Pictures

About Us
Supernaluna SMP is a community driven Minecraft server that is designed to work for anyone. Whether you’re a builder, an auto farm enthusiast, or anywhere in between you’ll find a great place here. Join today!
The server is run by LazyKB and XMoniarty, Lazy acts as the server’s dev, and host. Moni is the community manager who runs recruitment and events. We make a good pair for running the server!