Novice (Default)
Apprentice (1 day playtime)
Adept (2 days playtime)
Expert (3 days playtime)
Master (4 days playtime, grants an extra home)
VIP (Paid rank, has many benefits, see support for more info)
/home and /sethome to create teleport points, you can set one by default, and your bed acts as another
/tpa to request teleport to other players
/spawn to go to spawn
/warp gives warps to public places including shops and the End
/rtp teleports you randomly around the world, good for getting out of spawn
McMMO adds a bunch of skills for almost everything you can do in the game, including very powerful effects like increased attack damage, double mining drops, or even faster potion brewing! You can use /inspect <yourname> to see all your skills and do a / command of the skills name to learn more about it! A lot of it is self explanatory and happens naturally as you play.
Using /jobs join gives you a menu where you can choose up to 3 jobs to make in game money off of the things you do in game, anything from mining, building, to mob hunting! Once you have the jobs taken you don’t need to touch it again unless you want to change jobs.
Grief Protection
Once you can make yourself a golden shovel you can start creating Land Claims, which are marked areas that others will not be able to touch or grief. You can add people to your claims with the /trust command so that your friends can work with you in the claims, and there are some more advanced settings as well available on their Docs, such as subdividing, and different trust types.
Chest Shops
We have a shopping area at /warp shops where players can setup chest shops to sell or buy items from other players using their in game money! You can create a chest shop anywhere by punching a chest with an item held and setting a price. Make sure you have an actual shop building if you’re making it at the shopping district though!
Paper Settings
This server is run on Paper which has a ton of possible changes to vanilla Minecraft, pretty much every Paper server is a little different. We personally run as close to vanilla as possible, all in game exploits enabled and allowed aside from general item duplication. (tnt duping, bedrock breaking enabled and allowed). We also have vanilla mob mechanics, with the 128 block despawn sphere and regular spawn rate. This makes us one of the more accepting servers for players who enjoy some tech in their games but still want an enjoyable casual experience.
Other Commands/Mechanics
Crouching while you mine a vein of ore will break the whole thing immediately!
You can see your progress through the playtime ranks with the /rewards command